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let's re-green kenya!

Forests are among the world’s most productive land-based ecosystems and are essential to life on earth.

Every year, seven million hectares of natural forests worldwide are converted to other land uses such as large-scale commercial agriculture and other economic activities.  Kenya has only 7.4% forest cover, well under the minimum 10% suggested by the United Nations

Join our campaign to re-green Kenya whilst helping to off-set your carbon footprint.

Sheldricks Seedballs Kenya seedbombing--.jpg

Photo courtesy of Kelvin Kamachu

Photo courtesy of David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Seedballs Kenya --The Green Planet, Sir David Attenborough, reforestation,_edited.jpg


Seed bombing, or in some cases aerial reforestation, is a technique of introducing vegetation to land by throwing or dropping seedballs. Often done with arid or off-limits land (for example privately owned).

The process is usually done as a large-scale project with hundreds dropped in a single area at any one time. Provided enough water, adequate sunlight, and low competition from existing flora and fauna, seed-balled barren land could be host to new plants in as little as a month.


Seedballs have use in nearly any region where plants can grow: for reseeding ecosystems into areas of man-made deserts, avoiding seed eating insects and animals and protecting seeds until rains fall to soak the clay ball and stimulate the seeds. Seeds contained in such balls then germinate in ideal conditions for each climate/region.

It's simple,